A list of resources highlighting some of the many opportunities available for funding your food and farm business through the USDA. RESOURCES: USDA Programs in the Local Food Supply Chain
Local Food Research and Development
Local Food System Response to COVID-19
The Economics of Local Food
Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP)
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Grants
Wholesale Market and Facility Design
Urban Agriculture Grants and Engagement Opportunities
Agricultural Management Assistance
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program and Organic Initiative
Conservation Stewardship Program
The USDA Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production
The Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement
Value-Added Producer Grants
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Loan and Grant Program
Cooperative Development Technical Assistance
Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
FS6 is a nonprofit based in the San Francisco Bay Area whose mission is to support impact-driven entrepreneurs as they transform how we grow, produce, and distribute food. The organization runs a comprehensive accelerator program that mentors entrepreneurs by coaching them through a wide range of business and organizational needs. FS6 also works to educate stakeholders on the unique capital needs as it relates to redefining the food system. Categories
August 2021